Here's a demo to demonstrate how to get info about aliases in Delphi.
First, create a new project with a listbox and 3 labels (called ListBox1,
Label1, Label2, and Label3). Then add an OnCreate event handler for the form
with this code in it:
Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie man Infos von Aliasen ermitteln kann.
Erstelle ein neues Projekt und platziere eine Listbox und 3 Labels (ListBox1,
Label1, Label2, and Label3) auf der Form. Dann Schreibe im OnCreate Ereignis
folgenden Code:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin {
GetAliasNames Populates a string list with the names of persistent
Borland Database Engine (BDE) aliases.
GetAliasNames fügt die Namen der dauerhaften
Aliase der Borland Database Engine (BDE) in eine Listbox.
} Session.GetAliasNames(ListBox1.Items); end;
{ Now add an OnClick event for the Listbox: }
{ Schreibe nun im OnClick Ereignis der Listbox diesen Code }
procedure TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); var tStr: array[0..100] of char;
Desc: DBDesc; {
The DBDesc structure describes a database, using the following fields:
szName DBINAME Specifies the database alias name.
szText DBINAME Descriptive text.
szPhyName DBIPATH Specifies the physical name/path.
szDbType DBINAME Specifies the database type.
} begin
if ListBox1.Items.Count = 0 then exit;
StrPLCopy(tStr, ListBox1.Items.Strings[ListBox1.ItemIndex], High(tStr));
DbiGetDatabaseDesc(tStr, @Desc); with Desc do
begin Label1.Caption := StrPas(Desc.szName);
Label2.Caption := StrPas(Desc.szPhyName);
Label3.Caption := StrPas(Desc.szDbType);
Label4.Caption := StrPas(Desc.szText); end; end;
// Now add the following to the 'uses' clause at the top of the unit:
// Folgende Units müssen noch in die Uses-Klausel aufgenommen werden:
This Examples is just another approach to get infos about aliases
Using 2 component (TListBox) and only use 1 uses clause (dbTables)
uses {...}, DBTables;
type TForm1 = class(TForm)
ListBox1: TListBox;
ListBox2: TListBox;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin {Get Alias Names} Session.GetAliasNames(ListBox1.Items); end;
procedure TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox2.Items.Clear; if ListBox1.Items.Count = 0 then Exit; {Get Alias Driver Names, like Standard, MsAccess, etc} ListBox2.Items.Add('DRIVER=' + Session.GetAliasDriverName(ListBox1.Items.Strings
[ListBox1.ItemIndex])); {Get Alias Parameters and add it parameters into listbox2} Session.GetAliasParams(ListBox1.Items.Strings[ListBox1.ItemIndex], ListBox2.Items); end;