// Limit the execution time to 04/21/2003.
// Gültigkeit auf 21. April 2003 begrenzen.
YearExp = 2003;
MonthExp = 4;
DayExp = 21;
function CheckDate(y, m, d: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := True; if (Date > EncodeDate(y, m, d)) then
begin ShowMessage('End of usage exceeded. Download a new'+
'version at' + ^j + homepage+ ^j + ' or contact: ' + email);
Result := False; // halt; end;
{$R *.RES}
if CheckDate(YearExp, MonthExp, DayExp) then
begin Application.Initialize;
Application.Title := 'Some Title';
Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
Application.Run; end;