...compile Delphi Projects with a Batch?
Author: Superhausi
Um ein Delphi-Projekt ohne die IDE aufzurufen zu kompilieren, kann man folgende Batch-Datei verwenden.
To build a delphi project without opening the IDE, use the following batch file.
@Echo off
Echo ******* Building *******
if exist
if exist DCC32.cfg ren DCC32.cfg DCC32.cf~
rem # Make console target, unless overridden later
echo -M -CC >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$A+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$B- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$C+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$D- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$G+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$H+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$I+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$J- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$L- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$M- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$O+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$P+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$Q- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$R- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$T- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$U- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$V+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$W- >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$X+ >> DCC32.cfg
echo -$Y2 >> DCC32.cfg
rem # ShowHints
echo -H >> DCC32.cfg
rem # ShowWarnings
echo -W >> DCC32.cfg
rem # ImageBase
echo -K$41000000 >> DCC32.cfg
rem # OutputDir
echo -E"%OpusTools%" >> DCC32.cfg
rem # OutputDir
echo -LN"%OpusTools%" >> DCC32.cfg
rem # Packages
echo -LUvcl50;vclx50 >> DCC32.cfg
rem # SearchPath
echo -U"
rem # SearchPath
echo -R"
rem # SearchPath
echo -O"
rem # SearchPath
echo -I"
rem # BuildAll
echo -B >> DCC32.cfg
rem # Min/MaxStackSize
echo -M16384,1048576 >> DCC32.cfg
if errorlevel 1 goto GotError
goto Finish
rem # Got an error. Wait for user input
echo Error!
del DCC32.cfg
if exist DCC32.cf~ ren DCC32.cf~ DCC32.cfg
if exist
Echo ******* Done. *******
Nun müssen nur noch folgende Anpassungen gemacht werden:
Now just adjust the following things:
Ex / Bsp: Project1
Ex / Bsp: C:\Programme\Borland\Delphi5
Ex / Bsp: "C:\Dev\Lib;C:\Dev\Lib\Base"
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