The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the greatest factor
that divides two numbers.
Der GGT zweier Zahlen ist der größte gemeinsame Teiler
dieser Zahlen, also die größte Zahl, durch die beide
Zahlen teilbar sind.
uses math;
// Find the greatest common factor of two integers
function TForm1.GCF(A, B: Integer): Integer; var Lfactor: Integer; begin // Return -1 if either value is zero or negative if (A < 1) or (B < 1) then
begin Result := -1;
Exit; end; // if A = B then this is the GCF if A = B then
begin Result := A;
Exit; end;
Result := 1; for Lfactor := trunc(max(A, B) / 2) downto 2 do
if (frac(A / Lfactor) = 0) and (frac(B / Lfactor) = 0) then
begin Result := Lfactor;
Exit; // GCF has been found. No need to continue end; end; end;
// Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Res: Integer; begin Res := GCF(120, 30);
ShowMessage(Inttostr(Res)); end;
// Find the greatest common factor of an array of integers function TForm1.GCFarray(A: array of Integer): Integer; var Llength, Lindex, Lfactor: Integer; begin Llength := Length(A);
// Return -1 if any value is zero or negative for Lindex := 0 to Llength - 1 do
if A[Lindex] < 1 then
begin Result := -1;
Exit; end; end;
// if all elements are equal then this is the GCF Lindex := 1; while (Lindex < Llength) and (A[Lindex] = A[0]) do Inc(Lindex); if Lindex = Llength then
begin Result := A[0];
Exit; end;
Result := 1;
for Lfactor := trunc(ArrayMax(A) / 2) downto 2 do
begin Lindex := 0; while (Lindex < Llength) and (frac(A[Lindex] / Lfactor) = 0) do Inc(Lindex); if Lindex = Llength then
begin Result := Lfactor;
Exit; // GCF has been found. No need to continue end; end; end;
// find the maximum value in an array of integers function TForm1.ArrayMax(Aarray: array of Integer): Integer; var Lpos: Integer; begin Result := 0; for Lpos := 0 to Length(Aarray) - 1 do
if Aarray[Lpos] > Result then Result := Aarray[Lpos]; end;