The timeSetEvent function starts a specified timer event.
The multimedia timer runs in its own thread. After the event is activated,
it calls the specified callback function or sets or pulses the spe
cified event object.
Resolution of the timer event, in milliseconds.
A resolution of 0 indicates periodic events should occur with the
greatest possible accuracy.
You should use the use the maximum value appropriate to reduce system overhead.
TIME_ONESHOT Event occurs once, after uDelay milliseconds.
TIME_PERIODIC Event occurs every uDelay milliseconds.
uses MMSystem;
var mmResult: Integer;
// callback function procedure TimeCallBack(TimerID, Msg: Uint; dwUser, dw1, dw2: DWORD); pascal; begin // Do something here. This procedure will be executed each 10 ms Form1.Label1.Caption := Form1.Label1.Caption + '%'; end;
// Set a new timer with a delay of 10 ms procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin mmResult := TimeSetEvent(10, 0, @TimeCallBack, 0, TIME_PERIODIC); end;
// Cancel the timer event. procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin TimeKillEvent(mmResult); end;