function getArrayofByte: Tviergewinnt_exe; begin Result := viergewinnt_exe; end;
exports getArrayofByte;
The call of the client has the following structure: the important thing is
to declare a local var
of the const in our case dllexe: Tviergewinnt_exe;
unit playmain; // examples to call the embedded file in the unit or the dll
// some code ........
type Tviergewinnt_exe = array[0..88598] of Byte;
function getArrayofByte: Tviergewinnt_exe; external 'hexerdll';
procedure TForm1.btnApploadClick(Sender: TObject); var bitStream: TMemoryStream;
dllexe: Tviergewinnt_exe; begin bitStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
dllexe := getArrayofByte; try //without a dll you call const name
//bitStream.Writebuffer(viergewinnt_exe, sizeof(viergewinnt_exe));
// import DLL const bitStream.Writebuffer(dllexe, SizeOf(dllexe));
bitStream.Position := 0;
bitstream.SaveToFile('viergewinnt.exe'); case WinExec(PChar('viergewinnt.exe'), SW_SHOWDEFAULT) of 0: ShowMessage('The system is out of memory or resources.');
ERROR_BAD_FORMAT: ShowMessage('The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32.EXE or error in .EXE image).');
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: ShowMessage('The specified file was not found.');
ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: ShowMessage('The specified path was not found.'); end; finally bitStream.Free; end; end;