{For creating data in Excel we shall start it first:
Excel starten:}
//Starting Excel application: XLApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); // Making it visible: XLApp.Visible := True; // Adding workbook: XLApp.Workbooks.Add[XLWBatWorksheet]; // Specifying name of worksheet: XLApp.Workbooks[1].Worksheets[1].Name := 'Delphi Data';
{Now inserting data to Excel:
Daten in Excel einfügen:}
procedure TForm1.InsertData2Excel; var Sheet: Variant;
i: Integer; begin Sheet := XLApp.Workbooks[1].Worksheets['Delphi Data']; for i := 1 to 10 do Sheet.Cells[i, 1] := i; end;
{And copying data from Excel to Word.
Daten von Excel nach Word kopieren. }
{This process consists of two phrases:
1) Data should be copied from Excel into Windows clipboard.
2) Data should be pasted from Windows clipboard into the Word.
For successful completion both Excel and Word should be running.
Copying data from Excel into Windows clipboard:
Daten von Excel in die Zwischenablage kopieren: }
procedure TForm1.CopyData; var Sheets: Variant; begin SetFocus;
Sheets := XLApp.Sheets; // Selecting our worksheet: Sheets.Item['Delphi Data'].Activate; // Selecting our cells: Sheets.Item['Delphi Data'].Range['A1:A10'].Select; // Copying selected cells into clipboard: Sheets.Item['Delphi Data'].UsedRange.Copy; // Inserting copied data into Word InserData2Word; end;
procedure TForm1.InsertData2Word; var Range: Variant;
i: Integer; begin // Starting Word: WordApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application'); // Making it visible: WordApp.Visible := True; // Adding new document: WordApp.Documents.Add; // Inserting description text into new document: Range := WordApp.Documents.Item(1).Range;
Range.Text := 'This is a column from a spreadsheet: '; for i := 1 to 3 do WordApp.Documents.Item(1).Paragraphs.Add; // Inserting data from clipboard Range := WordApp.Documents.Item(1).Range(WordApp.Documents.Item
Range.Paste; for i := 1 to 3 do WordApp.Documents.Item(1).Paragraphs.Add; end;
{Don't forget to close Excel and Word by your program termination:
Excel und Word anschliessend wieder schliessen:}
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin
if not VarIsEmpty(XLApp) then
begin XLApp.DisplayAlerts := False; // Discard unsaved files... XLApp.Quit; end; if not VarIsEmpty(WordApp) then
begin WordApp.Documents.Item(1).Close(wdDoNotSaveChanges);
WordApp.Quit; end; end;