DelphiWebStart System Manual Author: Max Kleiner Language: english Hits: 13176
Loading different apps or several files without a browser over a TCP/IP net and on Win as Linux as well needs a decision once. With a loader on the client side, no further installation is in charge, we call that DelphiWebStart.
We had the requirement starting different applications from a Linux or windows server, wherever you are. We call it Delphi Web Start (DWS). In short the DWS-client gets a list and after clicking on it, the app or the file is
loading from a socket server over the net to client with just a stream.
Einen Chat mit den Sockets programmieren Author: Ultimator+ Language: german Hits: 16948
Programming a Chat with Indy.
Indy in Depth Author: Team Indy Language: english Hits: 22007
Indy in Depth is an e-book written by the Indy experts themselves. Indy in Depth covers from the very basic introduction to sockets, all the way up to advanced usage. Whether you are an absolute beginner and have never programmed sockets before, or you are an advanced socket developer, Indy in Depth has material suited for you.
ISAPI Programmierung in Delphi - first steps Author: isapi.ch Language: german Hits: 17853
First Steps with ISAPI programming.
WebServices mit Delphi Author: Max Kleiner Language: german Hits: 18865
How to create a webservice with Delphi.