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Bug Prevention mit Assertions
Author: Marc Dürst
Language: german
Hits: 14038

How to use Assertions.

C Conversion
Author: Andreas Prucha
Language: english
Hits: 22142

This tutorial shows how to translate the C names/types into Delphi.

Collections - Listen mit Designtime-Support
Author: Marc Dürst
Language: german
Hits: 14200

How to use collections with designtime support.

Delphi Component Building
Author: Dr.Bob
Language: english
Hits: 17450

Delphi has two kinds of users: end-users (application developers) and component writers. This session is especially intended for the latter group of Delphi programmers who want to start building their own components for Delphi.

Author: Marc Dürst
Language: german
Hits: 14968

How to use exceptions.

Garbage Collection / Managed Objects
Author: Marc Dürst
Language: german
Hits: 14372

How to use garbage collection / managed objects.

Implementing Callback Procedures
Author: Allan Carlton
Language: english
Hits: 16066

I find that Function and Procedure Callbacks are often underused, yet the benefits of using the can be tremendous. For example they can help to limit duplicate code, and make your code easier to read and more importantly easier to maintain.

Interfaces in Delphi
Author: Max Kleiner
Language: german
Hits: 13511

Zu was dienen eigentlich Interfaces in ObjectPascal? Dieses Leistungsmerkmal haben die Borländer zur Unterstützung von COM erschaffen (seit Delphi 4), es wurde aber unabhängig von COM implementiert, d.h. die Mechanismen funktionieren sogar in Kylix.

Multithreading - The Delphi Way
Author: Martin Harvey
Language: english
Hits: 17633

This guide is intended for anyone who is interested in improving performance and responsiveness in their Delphi applications by using threads. It covers a range of topics from absolute beginner to intermediate level, and some of the real world examples raise issues bordering on the advanced. It assumes that the reader has a reasonable knowledge of Object Pascal programming, including simple object orientation, and a working understanding of event based programming.

Object Oriented Programming in Delphi
Author: Itech Consulting
Language: english
Hits: 14473

Tutorial on Object Oriented Programming in Delphi

Author: Martin Strohal
Language: german
Hits: 17235

Run different actions at the same time with threads.

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